“Sustainable development is a fundamental break that’s going to reshuffle the entire deck. There are companies today that are going to dominate in the future simply because they understand that.” Francois Henri Pinault
Our Valuable Clients
These are some of the clients our organisation has partnered with, to provide sustainable solutions to companies of all sizes and across different sectors.

Creating Sustainable Impact
We have conducted various Resource Efficiency projects on behalf of this organisation including assessments for, materials, water, energy, waste, and Life Cycle management in various sectors across South Africa. We have also worked on their special projects including the development of Eco-industrial parks (EIP) baseline for South Africa.

A Fresh Start
This client has helped us transition into a new market. We have worked with this organisation on special projects; to review the greenhouse gas emission guidelines on behalf of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries in partnership with The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. We have also worked with them to develop a project scope and data request tool for a carbon tax compliance project prepared for the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Leveraging on Our Experience
When we were chosen to work with this client we were thrilled to be selected ahead of businesses that thrive as leaders in the industry. We worked on the Green Tourism Incentive Programme of the Department of Tourism on behalf of the organisation; conducting Resource Efficiency assessments. Which assisted businesses in the Tourism and Hospitality sector with their water and energy efficiency needs.
The Benefits Of Sustainability in Business
- Reduces Business Costs
- Improves Reputation of Businesses’
- Provides Competitive Advantage
- Increases Bottom Line
Challenges To Improving Sustainability in Business
- Lack of Resources
- Unengaged Personnel
- Inability to Assess Success
- Lack of Focus or Plan