Sustainable Business Practices For Better Livelihoods

For Your Business Needs

Linchpin Environmental Sustainability Solutions offers a wide range of services aimed at environmental sustainability. We are in possession of the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. We integrate circular economy to help your business achieve its various environmental and sustainability goals. We work closely alongside our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while addressing environmental and socio-economic impact, developing effective strategies and designing high- quality and scalable solutions.

Our Value Added services

We assist our clients to build competent funding strategies for the adequate implementation of their projects.

  • Assessing project preparedness
  • Identifying relevant public sector incentives and support programs
  • Developing an effective, practical funding strategy
  • Compiling competitive grant applications based on existing data and IP
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance at every stage of the process
  • Determining how to proceed when applications are successful (or not)
  • Supporting applications for energy efficiency tax allowances and other incentives

Key Activity

Inception Meeting


Parties are introduced. The process is explained, where roles and responsibilities are explained and confirmed. Resources are allocated and scope and boundaries of the assessment are defined and agreed upon.


All relevant parties to gain understanding of the project, their roles and responsibilities, gain support from top management.

Time frame

1 to 2 hours

Key Activity



Site visit: to understand the process and identify quick win opportunities. Data gathering using data request tools followed by data analytics. Development of a flow analysis. Development of a flow analysis and preliminary balances.


This helps to identify focus areas that will need to be addressed.

Time frame

1 to 7 hours

Key Activity

Detailed Assessment


Data interpretation and analysis. Site walk through and interviews for each department, detailed material and utility consumption analysis. Opportunity generation.


To gain insight into general operating practices and identify significant resource users.

Time frame

1 to 2 days

Key Activity

Feaibility Analysis


Technical evaluation, Economical evaluation, Environmental evaluation.


To quantify the identified opportunities and evaluate their technical, economical and environmental feasibiliy.

Time frame

2 to 3 days

Key Activity

Feedback Presentation


All assessments findings will be discussed and agreed upon before they are consolidated info a report.


To achieve client satisfaction and ensure that all aspects of the projects are covered and addressed to meet client needs.

Time frame

1 to 3 hours

Key Activity

Technical Report


Written report with all the assessment findings.


The report can be used for record keeping, as a point of reference, and for internal/external reporting purposes.

Time frame

3 days